About Spirit Garden

We seek to offer an Interfaith approach to nurturing your spiritual life.

About Us

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.  We are spiritual beings having a human experience.

-Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

The seed for Spirit Garden was planted many years ago when I was sitting on the grass amidst a circle of old oak trees at a retreat centre in Nova Scotia.  I was there doing my formation training as a Spiritual Director/Companion and we had the afternoon off.

Sitting in that circle of trees, the idea came to create a place for people to receive nourishment for their body, mind and soul; a place to support the blossoming and flourishing of life.  I envisioned it as a Sanctuary – a safe harbour, a refuge, a retreat.

More recently, I see Spirit Garden as an oasis, a soft place to land and unwind; where people are nourished through simple and supportive practices that water the inner garden of the soul.  I envision it as a space where one might learn about a good book, read an inspiring blog post, or sign up for courses and programs that provide a sacred pause in the midst of their busy life.  It is a vision of a warm and welcoming space where the garden of the soul can be watered and replenished by connecting to creativity, spirituality and nature.  Spirit Garden Books is my online version of this dream.

The offerings at Spirit Garden draw upon the world’s wisdom traditions, inviting people to listen and care for themselves through spiritual practices, reflections, books and blog posts.  Our offerings seek to be gently supportive, replenishing and thought-provoking.

You are invited to become the gardener of your soul through the gentle and calming oasis of Spirit Garden.

The universe is in the habit of making beauty.  There are flowers and songs, snowflakes and smiles, acts of great courage, laughter between friends, a job well done,
the smell of fresh baked bread.
Beauty is everywhere, ready to nourish the soul.
It must only be seen to begin helping us.

-Matthew Fox

About Kathy

Kathy Roy is the founder of Spirit Garden.  She has a deep appreciation for the wisdom inherent in all traditions.  As a writer, speaker, and teacher, she has spent many years creating transformational education experiences that draw from these wisdom traditions.  Kathy is a Spiritual Director and Interfaith Minister with many years of exploring Contemplative Christian Spirituality, Celtic Spirituality, Buddhism and earth-based traditions.

Giving Back

Next time you see a tree or plant, take a moment to express thanks. 

-Joanna Macy

One of our commitments at Spirit Garden is to share a portion of our proceeds with organizations that work on behalf of the well-being of our planet.  Specifically, we have a passion for preserving and caring for our trees and forests.  We make a monthly contribution to support the work of Community Forests International.  If you would like to learn more about the good work of this organization, hop on over and visit their website: https://forestsinternational.org/